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Our Approach

Learning & Development

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) covers children’s learning from birth until age five. At Scallywags, we plan for children’s learning using the EYFS framework and through observation by tracking children’s individual interests.


Communication between parents, children and key workers is the key to our success at Scallywags; we feel that open communication between families and workers helps us to really know children as individuals. This also allows parents to be effective when working with all the children within the group. 


At Scallywags – in keeping with the EYFS framework, we acknowledge the central importance of play, direct experiences and active learning to support children’s development effectively. We encourage young children to learn through playing and exploring, being active and encouraging critical thinking, which takes place both indoors and outdoors.











Outdoor Play

Our two gardens offer plenty of opportunities for children to play together, independently and with staff and parents. Just as in our indoor spaces, we create activity areas to stimulate the children’s imaginations and encourage different kinds of play. These range from sand boxes to reading areas to build your own den experiences. 


We also have a growing area where we grow plants and vegetables with the children. 



Capoeira is a martial art form from Brazil that combines elements of acrobatics, music, dance and rituals in an elegant and magnetic way. The uniqueness of Capoeira offers our children the opportunity to gain  physical strength, power and flexibility as well as  developing their self-confidence, concentration powers, courage and creativity.

Capoeira is also great fun!



Planning & Observation


At Scallywags, we use observations to tell us how children are getting on, to plan to the child’s individual interests and record information for individual children’s Early Learning and Development Record (ELDR). We welcome parents’ contribution to their child’s records, and parents are always welcome to view and/or discuss any aspects that interest or concern them. 


We use holistic approaches in planning so that we can continue to identify children’s interests on a daily basis; this also allows us to remain reflective about children as individuals and allows for flexibility when organising sessions to suit the different needs and interests within the group.


We also carry out planned observations for each child over the term, allowing us to spend additional time focusing on individual children. Parents are informed when their child is part of the focus group as it provides an additional opportunity to view children's attainments and spend time with key workers viewing children's interests and development as a whole.


Preparing for the Transition to School



We see it as part of our role to help the children prepare for their transition to school. In the term leading up to their leaving, we spend time with each child - separately and as a group - talking about what school might be like. We aim to help the children look forward to school and thrive once they enter reception. We also talk through any concerns and questions parents may have.


We are proud of the fact that our families like to keep us informed when the children are transitioning into school. We love hearing how it’s going as they make this big step in their lives!

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